1º ESO, clase lunes 1 de junio

Key: worksheet about Tenses, download HERE

Download this Extension, HERE

2º ESO, lunes 1 de junio

Watch this video by Kelli I person that I admire

 Listen : HERE

1. How old was Ursula when she die? ………………………………………………………….…..
2. In which part of the country did she live? ………………………………………………………..
3. California is to …………………….. of Oregon.
4. Ursula could speak English and …………………………...
5. She had three children, two ………………………. and one ……………………..
6. What was Ursula K. Le Guin’s job? ………………………………………..
7. What type of book is The Left Hand of Darkness? ……………………………………………
8. Why does Kelli like science fiction books? …………………………………………………….. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
9. Give one reason why Kelli admires her. …………………………………………………………
10. Choose one of the awards she received and explain what type of award it is. Surf the web to find the answer. …………………………………………………………………………………

1º De ESO, clase jueves 28 de mayo

KEY: Reading, download the key, HERE

Download the next worksheet about tenses, HERE

2º ESO, clase jueves 28 de mayo+ review 3

Podcast KEY: download HERE

KEY: review 3

1. 1. has trekked 4. haven’t … broken
2. has sung 5. haven’t scored
3. have … seen

2. 1. Have you ever studied Japanese? No, I haven’t.
2. Has the teacher given you homework this week?
Yes, he / she has.
3. Has Tom ridden a motorbike? No, he hasn’t.
4. Have Greg and Frank had breakfast today?
Yes, they have.
5. Has Mrs Smith spoken to the students this morning?
No, she hasn’t.

3. 1. for 4. for
2. since 5. since
3. since

. 1. Some 5. any
2. some 6. a
3. an 7. any
4. a

5. 1. a lot of 4. How much
2. How many 5. much
3. many

6. 1. There is 4. There is
2. There are 5. there isn’t
3. There aren’t

7. 1. Are there; there aren’t
2. Is there; there is
3. Is there; there isn’t
4. Are there; there are

(page 111)

8. 1. hers 4. yours
2. mine 5. ours
3. his

9. 1. his 4. theirs
2. hers 5. yours
3. ours

1. couldn’t 4. Could
2. should 5. shouldn’t
3. Can

11. 1. must 4. can’t
2. can 5. can
3. mustn’t

12. 1. c 2. a 3. a 4. c 5. c
6. b 7. a 8. c 9. b 10. a

13. 1. am standing 6. began
2. am going to jump 7. have studied
3. will land / land 8. am jumping
4. decided 9. looks
5. saved 10. is

1º de ESO, clase miércoles 27 de mayo


Download the KEY: worksheet HERE

Download the READING, HERE

1 A-B.-ESO, clase miércoles 3 de junio

Download this worksheet HERE

KEY: sentences

11.      Can I talk to you? – No, you can´t. I am having a bath.
2.2      She listens to music every morning.
33.      We don´t like metal music, we prefer rock.
4.4      When he saw the accident yesterday, he helped the driver.
5.5      What are you doing? – I am looking for my glasses.
66.      They always bring presents when they visit us.
77.      When we were younger, we thought Prague was in France.
88.      He didn´t win the award in 2006.
99.      That´s typical! He wants to win every time he participates in a competition. 
110.  Why did you bring that toy to school last week? – Because I wanted to show it to my schoolmates.
111.  Be quiet, please. My children are trying to sleep.
112.  They don´t go to school at weekends.
113.  Why do you believe him? He never tells the truth. He always lies.
114.  She decided to visit London last month. She met interesting people, saw wonderful sights, and enjoyed herself a lot.
115.  Where is she? I am waiting for her.
116.  Do they know that water boils at 100 degrees Celsius?
117.  My parents built the house in 1985.
118.  He didn´t marry her because she broke up with him last year.
119.  Look at her! She is sitting in the park over there. Isn´t she wonderful?
220.   Did he like the book he borrowed yesterday?

2º de ESO, clase miércoles 27 de mayo

sentences: click HERE to download the answers


Listen Quarantine audio HERE

Quarantine Audio Transcript: HERE

and answer these Questions for Chris’s Quarantine: download HERE

2º ESO, clase martes 26 de mayo

Translate these sentences and   have fun!             ….……………………..………………………………
1.       No puedes comer chicle, llevar un amuleto de la suerte  o poner los pies en el pupitre durante el examen. No deberíais gritar si estáis solos en clase, el profesor se sentirá molesto.
2.       ¿Crees en el más allá? ¿Eres supersticioso? ¿Es verdad que estornudar muchas veces o pisar una grieta trae mala suerte? No tengo ni idea, pero ayer cogí un trébol de cuatro hojas y todavía lo guardo.
3.       Me encanta abrazar, besar a tú bebé y rascarle la espalda. Debes de estar orgullosa de él. Deberías tener cuidado cuando se quita los zapatos. Puede caerse y hacer daño en las piernas.
4.       ¿Qué hizo la bruja  cuando vio al monje en la cueva? Grito y echó a correr, pero él la siguió, le echo agua bendita y la convirtió en piedra. Eso es lo que el anfitrión enseña a sus invitados cuando les habla del pueblo de Wookey.
5.       Ann estaba sola en casa viendo una película, cuando se quedó dormida en el sofá. De repente, oyó un ruido extraño fuera de la casa. Estaba confundida. Alguien estaba intentando abrir la puerta de entrada.
6.        El libro que estaba leyendo era aterrador. El sol estaba brillando, cuando de repente una tormenta terrible empezó. No te voy a contar el argumento, sólo que el personaje principal era una anciana con unas cejas muy gruesas y unos dientes con manchas.
7.       Mientras hacíamos cola fuera del cine, una mujer gritó: “Fuego, Fuego”. Nos sentimos preocupados y confusos, pero ¿quién era? Me sentí avergonzada cuando descubrí que era mi bisabuela y se estaba riendo.
8.       Pareces agotado. No deberías barrer toda la suciedad fuera al jardín. No te lo recomiendo o lo sentirás.

Download the next poster about tenses HERE and study carefully

1º de ESO, clase martes 26 de mayo

KEY: workbook

REVIEW 3 (page 110)

1. 1. were 4. wasn’t
2. was 5. weren’t
3. was 6. was

2. 1. was 4. weren’t
2. wasn’t 5. Was
3. were 6. Were

3. 1. There was 4. There were
2. There were 5. there wasn’t
3. Were there 6. There was

. 1. painted 4. cried
2. baked 5. stopped
3. washed

. 1. arrived 4. didn’t walk
2. didn’t clean 5. hated
3. played

6. 1. Did children work 200 years ago?; Yes, they did
2. Did Queen Victoria watch TV?; No, she didn’t
3. Did people live in Mexico in the 1800s?; Yes, they did
4. Did Mozart play the piano?; Yes, he did
5. Did astronauts walk on the moon in 1960?; No, they

(page 111)

7. 1. saw 4. spoke
2. bought 5. gave
3. put

8. 1. taught 5. ran
2. gave 6. tried
3. looked 7. played
4. said 8. had

9. 1. got up 4. walked
2. didn’t go 5. began
3. Did … study 6. Did … have

. 1. am not going to sleep
2. am going to go
3. is going to meet
4. are going to repair
5. are going to drive
6. am not going to work
7. am going to go
8. aren’t going to start
9. are going to see

11. 1. I’m (I am) going to study Japanese in the summer.
2. Sherry isn’t going to clean her room tomorrow.
3. Are you going to play football at the park on Saturday?
4. What is Emily going to do after school?
5. Frank and I aren’t (are not) going to build model
aeroplanes at the weekend.

12. 1. are driving 4. aren’t swimming
2. am buying 5. Are … sailing
3. isn’t playing 6. Is … preparing


Download the next worksheet HERE

1º de ESO, clase lunes 25 de mayo

KEY: vocabulary test unit 9

click HERE to download

Download this poster about tenses HERE, and study carefully

2º ESO, clase lunes 25 de mayo

Vocabulary test unit 9: KEY : DOWNLOAD the answers HERE

For the next THURSDAY, all the classes ,2ºA, B and C have to do the REVIEW 3 ( pages 110 and 111). You have the key that day.

1º de ESO, clase jueves 21 de mayo

KEY: sentences

Click HERE 

Vocabulary test UNIT 9. Click HERE to download.

2º ESO, clase, jueves 21 de mayo

KEY: Grammar check

page 122

1. a       10. b        19. a
2. b       11. a        20. b
3. a       12. b        21. a
4. a       13. a        22. a
5. b      14. b        23. a
6. a      15. b        24. b
7. a      16. b        25. a
8. b      17. b
9. b      18. a

Download this worksheet and study carefully, click HERE


2º ESO-C, WORKBOOK, clase jueves 21 de mayo

KEY: pages 79 and 80

1. 1. b 2. d 3. e 4. a 5. c

2. 1. confused 4. exhausted
2. angry 5. thrilled
3. worried

3. 1. lightning 6. alarm clock
2. aquarium 7. hotel
3. warm 8. uncle
4. niece 9. van
5. noisy 10. expensive

4. 1. could 4. can
2. should 5. must
3. mustn’t

5. 1. haven’t believed 6. will be
2. saw 7. were
3. were walking 8. Do … believe
4. flew 9. won’t go out
5. come 10. don’t want

6. 1. There were 4. bigger than
2. have got 5. mine
3. much

7. 1. He shouldn’t be embarrassed.
2. The students must carry heavy books.
3. If she steps on a crack, she will be worried.
4. You mustn’t drop the cake.
5. I was sweeping the house when the lamp broke.

(page 80)
8. 1. You look upset
2. Where were you
3. Claire was with me
4. So, what happened
5. How did you feel

9. 1. Halloween is on 31st October.
2. That’s amazing!
3. We had a very unusual trip.
4. John worked hard all day. Finally / Then, he went home.
5. Helen went to bed early because she was tired.

10. 1. You mustn’t put the shoes on the table.
2. You shouldn’t pick the flowers in the park.
3. If you sweep the house on Friday, it will bring bad luck.
4. You look really confused. Can I help you?
5. My sister was frightened when she saw your dog.

Activities: Review 3 pages 110 and 111

1º ESO, clase miércoles 20 de mayo

pages 119 and 120

1. 1. b, g
2. a, f
3. d, e, h, j
4. c, i
5. e, j

2. Possible Answers
1. How often does the 183 run?
Every 10 minutes.
How often does the 240 run?
Every 15 minutes.
2. Which bus goes to the church?
The 183.
Which bus goes to the shopping centre?
Try the 240.
3. Where do I get off for the library?
At the next stop.
Where do I get off for the sports centre?
At the last stop.
4. Does the 183 go to the museum?
No, it doesn’t.
Does the 240 go to the cinema?
Yes, it does.

. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

page 120

Correct It!
1. Is ... going to visit
3. isn’t going to travel
4. are going / are going to go
5. on


Thanslate these sentences and have fun!                           
1.       Nos trasladamos a una nueva casa donde las paredes no estaban rectas y los muebles estaban por encima de nuestras cabezas. Era increíble y tenía un efecto interesante en nuestros invitados: después de cinco minutos se sentían enfermos. De acuerdo, ¡estoy bromeando!
2.       Había cuatro baños, dos aseos, tres salones, dos comedores, una bolera, una piscina y una pista de tenis, pero no había una habitación de juegos. ¡Qué pena! ¿Te gustó? Claro que sí.
3.       Su último viaje de estudios fue a las islas Canarias. Hicieron senderismo, subieron colinas, vieron cascadas, se zambulleron en lagos y vieron arrecifes increíbles. Fueron unas vacaciones muy agradables, pero no tuvieron tiempo para rellenar su diario.
4.       Esta casa es un desastre. Debemos hacer la colada, lavar los platos y regar las plantas. ¿Qué vas a hacer tú? Yo voy a preparar la cena y, luego, voy a hacer un pastel para el banquete de mañana.
5.       Este año no vamos a ir a la playa como todos mis amigos. En lugar de eso, mis padres me van a llevar a Disneyland Paris. ¿Crees que es aburrido? (Present Continuous)
6.       Conocí a un niño prodigio cuando estaba en la escuela. Sabía hablar cuatro idiomas, cantaba ópera y ganó el campeonato mundial de ajedrez a la edad de 13 años.
7.       ¿Qué estás planeando hacer este verano? Vamos a ir a las cataratas del Niágara. Vamos a visitar Nueva York y algunos museos allí. Me encantan. Luego, vamos a ir Coney Island porque hay un parque muy divertido. No debo olvidarme meter en la maleta mis deportivas nuevas, mi bañador, algunas camisetas, un gorro, mi falda y mis sandalias azules.

2º ESO, clase miércoles 20 de mayo

KEY: pages 119 and 120

1. 1. fantasy 5. horror
2. adventure 6. historical
3. science fiction 7. romance
4. mystery

2. When you like a book: 1, 4, 6, 8
When you don’t like a book: 2, 3, 5, 7

4. e, a, c, d, f, b

5. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

page 120
Correct It!
1. can make
2. couldn’t watch
3. is preparing
4. have liked
5. won’t sleep

Activities: Grammar check, page 122