Present Simple or Present Continuous

Find the mistakes

other revision 1st Term.- Vocabulary

The Family

Click on the links below to practise your vocabulary:

Contries and Nationalities
Classroom Objects
My family 

Click on the following links to practise your grammar:

Pronouns and possessives
Saxon Genitive

Click on the following links to practise telling the time.

What's the time?
What time is it?

Writing Emails in English

Electronic mail, most commonly abbreviated email or e-mail, is a method of exchanging digital messages.
An electronic mail message consists of two components, the message header, and the message body, which is the email's content. The message header contains control information, including, minimally, an originator's email adrress and one or more recipient addresses. Usually additional information is added, such as a subject header field.
Emails are a fast way to communicate for business and pleasure. In this post you'll find useful hints and tips to write better emails in English.

Parts of Email
Here are the fields of the Email defined with example texts
Example Subjects
The Subject is more important than the email itself, it should be focused, clear and informative.

Strong Subjects:
  • Invitation to the ABC Conference, Nov 2009
  • Application for Account Manager Position #413 – Jane Smith CV
  • Agenda for the meeting on Monday, 10am
  • Party Invitation for John, Sally and Martin
  • Updates on the building plans
  • Meeting scheduled for Oct 15, Thursday @ 10am
  • Great craft ideas using recyclable materials
Weak Subjects:
  • [blank]
  • Hi, Hello, How are you?
  • First line of the email message
  • Words to avoid: Help, Percent Off, Reminder, Free

Example Greetings:
  • Dear [name],
  • Hi [name],
  • Hi,
  • Hello [name],
  • Hello,
  • To whom it may concern,
Example Opening Sentences
  • Following our phone conversation, I am sending you…
  • Attached please find the documents you requested regarding…
  • In regards to the upcoming pilot program, I have listed below the tasks and deadlines that need to be completed.
  • Further to our last discussion, I would like to bring to your attention the following issues:
  • As we agreed, there will not be …
  • Please reconsider our proposal for …
  • In response to your job post for Marketing Director, please find below a brief overview of my skills. I have also attached my CV for your review.
Example Email Information in Detail: details, information and actions required.
  • Here is the detailed list:
  • In addition to the attached agenda, please click on this link http://www...
  • To register for the online event, please go to...
Example Closing Sentences
  • I look forward to your reply.
  • Thank you for the time you have taken to review my candidacy for the position.
  • Please don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have.
  • Thank you, in advance, for your time.
  • I await receipt of the information we discussed.
  • Please forward me the exact information.
Example Sign-offs before the Signature: identify yourself, company and contact information.
  • Sincerely,
  • Thank you,
  • Best Regards,
  • Thanks,
Title, company name
Web Address
Click here for more example emails.
  • Job Interview Thank you
  • Job Cover Letter
  • Request For Update on a Pilot
Email Features

There are many features that are included in emails; here I will highlight just a few important ones.
Spelling: Always proofread before sending: spelling, punctuation and grammar. [F7]
Insert: Since emails are filtered here are a few tips regarding attachments and links:
  • Keep file sizes small.
  • ZIP or PDF attachments (exe, jpg, xls, doc are sometimes considered spam).
  • When replying, do not resend attachments again.
  • Use links whenever possible to files that are stored online or in shared folders.
Options: If the email is very important, under options request a read receipt, this way you can ensure the email has arrived at its destination.
Reply to All: Stop and think before hitting reply to all sometimes you may just need to hit reply.

The information in this post has been taken from Wikipedia and Learn English on line

17 January 2018

Basic formal letters

Click on the link below to learn how to write formal letters in English

Click here to see an example of different types of letters with useful expressions (Hacer clic en los enlaces abajo para ver ejemplos de distintas cartas formales con vocubulario y frases útiles)

Simple Present Stories

Verb Tenses

You can find grammar and exercises to practise with the Present Simple on OM Multimedia. Click here.

Click on the link below to read a story in the Simple Present. Then you can do the exercises.

Simple Present Story 1

Simple Present story 2

Simple Present story 3 

Simple Present story 4

Past Simple

Click on the title below and you'll find exercises to practise the use of past simple tense in English.

Who are they?

You are going to describe famous people and you classmates have to guess who they are. You only have to write a short paragraph about a celebrity and other people may send comments saying who they think each person is.



A simple and charming short animated  film created by Vancouver Film School student Christina Passey through the VFS 3D Animation & Visual Effects program

Un sencillo yencantador corto  de animación realizado por Christina Passey, estudiante de la Escuela de cine de Vancouver en el programa de animación 3D y efectos especiales.

Have a nice weekend.
Feliz fin de semana.

Fist Term revision


Countable/Uncountable>>Grammar and Exercises   

Pronunciation  and Exercise 1
Demonstrative : This/these, That/those
>>Exercise 1
♥Personal Pronouns : I, you
♥Object Pronouns:me,you,him

Saxon Genitive>>Grammar
>>Exercises 1,2
Verb Tenses

Present Continuous
♥Present Simple/Continuous
Exercise 1,2,3(mix),4(time expressions)>>Video + Comprehension Questions
♥Past Simple

Simple Past

Resultado de imagen de resumen pasado simple ingles

Simple Past

Conjugación del pasado simple

pasado simple
La estructura del "pasado simple" (Past Simple Tense) en inglés es:
I workedyo trabajé
you workedtú trabajaste
he workedél trabajó
we workednosotros trabajamos
you workedvosotros trabajasteis
they workedellos trabajaron

Construcción del pasado

Como norma general, para formar el pasado en inglés se añade "-ed" a un verbo.
Aunque hay que tener en cuenta unas consideraciones:

Verbos irregulares

Para los verbos irregulares hay que memorizar su forma de pasado.
Os mostramos un par de ejemplos de verbos irregulares:
to gowentir
to buyboughtcomprar
to havehadtener
to bewas/wereser o estar
I went to the University of Oxford
Fui a la universidad de Oxford

Pasado en verbos acabados en "-e"

Para formar el pasado se sustituye la "-e" final por "-ed".

La negación en el pasado simple

La formación de la negación en "past simple" es más sencilla que la afirmación.
Su estructura es:
[SUJETO] + did + not + [VERBO EN INFINITIVO (sin to)]
Os mostramos un par de ejemplos:
I did not sing
yo no canté
he did not sing
él no cantó

La interrogación en el pasado simple

Para construir la interrogación se utiliza el verbo auxiliar to do en pasado (did).
La Estructura es:
Did + [SUJETO] + [VERBO EN INFINITIVO (sin to)] ?
did I sing?¿canté?
did you sing?¿cantaste?
did he sing?¿cantó?
did we sing?¿cantamos?
did you sing?¿cantasteis?
did they sing?¿cantaron?
Si la interrogación tuviera una partícula interrogativa la estructura sería
What did you sing?
¿Qué cantaste?

Uso del pasado simple

El "past simple" se usa para:
  • Acciones que comenzaron en el pasado y ya están terminadas.
    I ate an apple yesterday
    Me comí una manzana ayer

Complementos Temporales

Usualmente con las oraciones en "pasado simple" es necesario detallar cuando se realizó la acción (de manera explícita o por el contexto).
Por ejemplo:
I played a match last week
Jugué un partido la semana pasada
Enumeramos algunos otros complementos temporales de este tiempo verbal a modo de ejemplo:
two years agohace dos años
in 2008en 2008
last yearhace un año
on 01/01/2000el 01/01/2000
in Julyen julio

Word of the Day: On the Internet

I know, I know! You don’t have to tell me! Internet is not a difficult word to learn. Why should I, then, dedicate a post to the word Internet?   Come to think of it  this  post might be only meaningful to Spanish students as they are the ones who make the most mistakes when using this word in context. Why? For these two reasons.
♥ We don’t use the article “the
♥We have a problem with the prepositions in and on and we tend to use almost invariably in.
By the way, did you know that the word Internet is feminine in Spanish?

Word of the Day: Take Over

Take over is a phrasal verb which,in this context  means,  to assume control. Look at the cartoon. Can you see how computers are taking over our family life?
Only this morning I was listening to a song called “When love takes over” by David Guetta ft Kelly Rowland. Wanna listen to it?

How to use Capital Letters

Capital letters are important and therefore one should  say it is essential to know how to use them in the correct way.

Capital letters are the difference between helping your Uncle Jack off a horse and helping your uncle jack off a horse. (sorry for being rude, but isn’t it a good example?;-)
Want to know more about Capital letters? Watch this fast paced  video about when and how to use then and remember that the overuse of  capital letters ,when writing ,is considered by most people rude.

Fridayyyyyy....or not??????


Graduation animated short film made by a team of 6 students at The One Academy, Malaysia, called the Rebel Banana: Phua CardinAndrea Goh, Yap Wee Lim, Victor Tan, Chua Pei Gin, and Chua Pei San: "Exit". Funny and very good work.

Corto de animación de graduación de un grupo de estudiantes de The One Academy, Malasia: Phua Cardin, Andrea Goh, Yap Wee Lim, Victor Tan, y Chua Pei San: "Salida". Divertido y muy bien realizado. 

Have a nice weekend
Feliz fin de semana.

A tale

Task description:
Students have to watch the scene as attentively as they can, trying to observe as many tiny details as possible, knowing that they will get some sneaky questions about what we have just seen.
Scene summary:
We see Dracula  raising his little girl, Mavis . This animated tale concerning a hotel where monsters such as Dracula , the Invisible Man , Frankenstein , and his bride , along with a host of others, head to relax from a world full of humans. When a young man  stumbles onto the resort and falls for Drac's teenage daughter Mavis , comedy high jinks ensue.

Video quiz questions 

1) What color is the armchair?
  • red
  • black
  • purple
  • white
  • brown
2) What three things are going in a circle?
  • a bat, a fish and an axe
  • a fish, a head and a coffin
  • a coffin, an axe and a head
  • an axe, a bat and a head
  • a head, a fish and an axe
3) What is the other monster holding in his left hand?
  • a pencil
  • a ruler
  • a glass
  • the plan of the building.
  • a sponge
4) What did you just see on the wall?
  • a certificate
  • a shield
  • a cross
  • a sword
  • a metal plate
5) What time is it?
  • 3 o'clock
  • 4 o'clock
  • 5 o'clock
  • 6 o'clock
  • 7 o'clock
6) What symbols are on the rug?
  • bats
  • teeth
  • skulls
  • castles
  • torches

Verbos estáticos en inglés (Stative Verbs)

stative verbs

Autora: Amelia Sánchez
Este tipo de verbos, denominados estáticos, hacen referencia a situaciones y estadosno aactividades. Se oponen a los dinámicos (dynamic) en que éstos sí indican acción.
¿Y por qué es importante distinguirlos?
Pues porque los stative verbs NO se usan en la forma continua. Y cuando digo forma continua, me refiero a todos esos tiempos verbales que toman la forma en –ing para su formación (presente continuo, pasado continuo, futuro continuo…) Es decir:
  • want to eat now
“Now”: Recordemos que este adverbio de tiempo estaba ligado al uso del presente continuoPues bien, el adverbio me indica que, en teoría, debería emplear el presente continuo PERO el verbo que se está empleando, want”, pertenece a la lista de los verbos estáticos. Por lo tanto, tendré que decantarme por su forma en presente simple. De ahí que veamos en la oración del ejemplo “I want” y no “I’m wanting”.
Así que, para evitar cometer errores, deberíamos conocer qué verbos incluimos en el listado de estáticos:

Lista de los STATIVE VERBS más comunes

En el enlace que os adjunto de Perfect English Grammar podéis encontrar una lista muy completa en PDF de los verbos estáticosStative Verbs LIST.

Para facilitaros las cosas a la hora de estudiar estos verbos los divido en:

1.Verbos de estado

Son ese tipo de verbos que expresan opinionesacuerdo/desacuerdo y estados mentales :
Think, believe, agree, disagree, know, mean, understand, feel, doubt, depend, remember, seem, look(=parecer), appear, concern, …
  • Yes, I understand it now!  
¡Sí, ahora lo entiendo!  NO  Yes, I’m understanding it now.

2.Verbos que expresan gustos

Like, dislike, love, hate y prefer…  
  • I don´t like horror films
No me gustan las pelis de miedo

3.Verbos de percepción (los de los 5 sentidos)

See, hear, sound, smell, taste, imagine, recognize…
  • This food tastes good  
Esta comida sabe bien

 4.Verbos de posesión

Have, own, possess, belong… 
  • This book belongs to Peter
Ese libro pertenece a Peter

5.Verbos que expresan necesidad

Need, want, wish, …
  • I need some help
Necesito ayuda

6.Verbos que indican medida

Weigh, contain, …
  • This bottle contains milk
Esta botella contiene leche


Hay verbos MIXTOS, es decir, pueden ser tanto estáticos como dinámicoshave, think, see, taste, smell y be.
Veámoslos con ejemplos:
  • You have a beautiful house–>Tienes una casa preciosa
  • I’m having a lot of fun–>Me lo estoy pasando muy bien
  • think you are wrong–>Pienso que estás equivocado
  • What are you thinking?–>¿En qué estás pensando?
  • see your point of view–>Entiendo tu punto de vista
  • I’m seeing the doctor this afternoon–>Veré al médico esta tarde
  • This soup tastes good–>Esta sopa sabe bien
  • I’m tasting the soup to check the salt–>Estoy probando la sopa para comprobar la sal

Con el verbo to be

  • He is  rude
Es un grosero—-Se refiere a una característica de su personalidad. Es su uso estático.
  • He is being rude
Está siendo grosero—-No es que sea una característica habitual en él, pero ahora está comportándose de ese modo. Por lo tanto no sería un uso estático del verbo.

I’m loving it!”

 Os suena, ¿verdad?
Pues sí, se trata del archiconocido eslogan de la famosísima cadena norteamericana de comida rápida. Muchos pensaréis, pues es cierto…”love” es de los estáticos. Ni siquiera forma parte de los mixtos.
Entonces, ¿por qué el uso en su forma continua?
Pues en cierto modo, digamos que el marketing está por encima de las reglas gramaticales. Este uso intenta resaltar básicamente la idea de su comida te encanta, la disfrutas y la estás disfrutando ahora, y siempre.
Sería un uso informal, al margen de la gramaticalidad. Y, para darle ese valor durativo al verbo “love”, lo emplean en su forma continua. Pero, repito, es solo cuestión de marketing…;)
Este artículo ha sido escrito por la colaboradora Amelia Sánchez.