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Future Tenses review

The will - future is used talk about future actions we can't influence or control. foretell future actions or to express hopes, expectations, fears, offers, promises, refusals,...
Key words: I'm sure, I believe, I expect, I hope, I suppose, I think, I'm afraid, I wonder, I fear, I worry, I promise, I guess or perhaps, possibly, surely, probably, maybe
3.with I / we for spontaneous reactions or making promises
I shall is sometimes used instead of I will.

The going to - future is used
to talk about future things you intend to do, plan or decided to do
Did you know that Sarah is in hospital? No, I didn't. I'll visit her this afternoon.
(spontaneous reaction »»» will - future)
Yes, I'm going to visit her next month.
(planned action »»» going to - future) foretell future actions for which we have proofs that they are going to happen.

The present progressive is used
to talk about future things that are fixed, planned or definitely decided
The speaker must refer to the future and not to the present.
I am visiting my grandparents tomorrow.
What are you doing next Friday?

The present simple is used
to talk about times of arrivals and departures of traffic and times of events.
The train leaves at 10.20.
The bus goes at 8.30.
When does the concert begin?

Conditional review: 2nd Term

General statements and facts
If there is a problem, I can always talk to Carol.
It's possible that . . . (talking about the future) - Conditional I
Colin is an intelligent boy. It is April 15th. The exam is on April 23rd. He has enough time to learn for the exam - he can pass it.
If he studies, he will pass the exam on April 23rd.

Using commas in conditional sentences
When the condition is at the beginning of the sentence, you have to separate it from the main clause with a comma. If the condition is at the back of the sentence, you don't use a comma.
Examples: If he comes to my party, I'll be happy. I'll be happy if he comes to my party.

Grammar Review: Future

How to form:will + infinitive (=1st form)They will be late. / He will come.
 Short form: will = 'llThey'll be late. / He'll come.
 Negation: will not = won'tThey will not be late / He won't come.
 Question: Will .... ?Will they be late? / Will he come?
Key words: tomorrow, next week (month, year, summer, Monday, weekend,...), in 2020...
I think I will meet her tomorrow.
I hope he will be back before 9.30.
I think I'll be there at five.

The will - future is used talk about future actions we can't influence or control. foretell future actions or to express hopes, expectations, fears, offers, promises, refusals,... .

Key words: I’m sure, I believe, I expect, I hope, I suppose, I think, I'm afraid, I wonder, I fear, I worry, I promise, I guess or perhaps, possibly, surely, probably, maybe


with I / we for spontaneous reactions or making promises
I shall is sometimes used instead of I will.

2nd Term revision


You have to study all the GRAMMAR THEORY you have in your notebook and the VOCABULARY of each unit to improve your level. These are some interesting links for you to complete your reinforcement of English. Happy Easter! (You don’t have to print, just do it on-line!)


If / Si

Bert Hardy, Piccadilly, 1953

"The Press, Watson, is a most valuable institution, if you only know how to use it."
— Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930)

"La prensa, Watson, es una institución valiosísima, si sabe cómo utilizarla."
— Arthur Conan Doyle (1859 - 1930)



Listening: How to make a mummy???

Listening: King Tut

Listen carefully:


The Simpsons 

Learning through media (movies, music, etc.) is one of the best ways to learn a new language. The exercises below use clips from the popular American TV show "The Simpsons" to help you to better understand spoken English. 

Here's what you do: 

  1. Click on the video you want to watch below.
  2. Watch the video, and pay attention to it! (You can pause and rewind the video.)
  3. Answer the listening comprehension questions below the video.
  4. Check your answers.

The Simpsons (Clip 1)

The Simpsons (Clip 2)

The Simpsons (Clip 3)

The Simpsons (Clip 4)

The Simpsons (Clip 5)

The Simpsons (Clip 6)

grammar notes
By watching these videos you will:

a) Learn real English vocabulary, as spoken by real native speakers. You will learn English words and phrases that are used in real-life situations

b) Practice and improve your listening skills and comprehension skills

c) Learn proper pronunciation

d) Learn useful English language expressions as well as phrases for conversation

e) Feel that learning English can be fun!

NOTE: All of these videos are protected by copyright. They are all from a third party source ( and do not reside on our servers. If you have any questions or concerns about the content, please contact :) 

Going to a place (Present Progressive)


Do the exercises
Watch the two videos. Click here


California Mission Road

Redwood National Park

Yosemite National Park




Try some exercises on COMPARATIVES.

click HERE.


(Pincha en el link para hacer ejercicios sobre los comparativos)

The Gold Rush Illustration

US Gold Rush

James Marshall discovered gold on January 24, 1848, at Sutter's Mill, beginning the California Gold Rush. The New Jersey carpenter was working at John Sutter's Sacramento River settlement when he found the nugget. The discovery lured more than 90,000 people to California in the two years following his find and more than 300,000 people by 1854. James Marshall died penniless in 1885.

The Task

Travel back in time to San Francisco in the 1840's. You will take part in a meeting of one of the Six Companies that serves the needs of Chinese immigrants to California. In China, California was known as Gold Mountain. Each of you will be given a worker "residence certificate" required by the U S government which you must keep with you at all times. Your current job will be listed on the certificate. You will need to research the nature of your job, and report to the company. New Chinese workers are arriving in San Francisco, and you have some American job experience to share with them. You may also want to explore better job opportunities and make decisions about your future. Other immigrants will listen to your report and make career and living choices based on what you say.

The Legend of Isis and Osiris

Isis and Osiris Illustration

The Legend of Isis and Osiris

Once upon a time, a long time ago when the earth was new and everything was just beginning, the earth was covered with water. An egg floated on the water, just one egg. When that egg hatched, Ra was born. Ra did not want to spend his time floating around, doing nothing, so he flew into the sky and became the sun.
Ra dried up much of the water and made the land. Ra was lonely, so he made a wife. He named her Nut. Ra made many gods and goddesses to keep him company. He put them all to work. His children were very busy running the world. Still, they took time out to have children, because children were glorious things to have! Soon, there were many gods and goddesses. Ra was the father or the grandfather or the great-grandfather of them all!
All children are glorious, but to Ra, one child was especially important. That child was his grandson, Osiris. Osiris had a brother named Set. Ra thought Set was okay, I suppose, but his favorite by far was Osiris. To show Osiris how much he was loved, Ra made Osiris the first Pharaoh of Egypt. Osiris married Isis, his one true love, and the king (Osiris) and queen (Isis) settled down quite happily with their son (prince) Horus.
Set was terribly jealous. Why should Osiris be named Pharaoh and not him? In a fit of anger, Set killed his brother Osiris, and chopped him into little pieces. He threw the pieces into the Nile River. Set was sure he would get away this murder. But you know how rumors spread. Isis soon heard what Set had done.
Isis managed to gather the pieces of her beloved Osiris. She brought these pieces to her good friend Anubis, the jackal-headed god. Anubis was very clever. He managed to put the pieces of Osiris together again. But he did not have the power to bring him back to life, so that Osiris could retake his place beside his beloved Isis, and rule Egypt as king.
When the great Ra heard about it, he was furious. He gave Osiris a new job, an even better job. He made Osiris the god of the dead, which was the most important job of all. Osiris could rule over the land of the dead, and be dead himself. In fact, he would have to be dead to enter the land of the dead. So things worked out very well, or so Ra believed.
When the young prince Horus heard what his uncle Set had done, although he was still only a boy, he tracked down his uncle Set and murdered him.
Isis was grateful to her friend Anubis, and to her son Horus, and to her grandfather Ra. But nothing anyone could do would bring Osiris back to her. He would dwell forever in the land of the dead, and she would live forever in the land of the living. Isis knew that she would never see her beloved husband again.
In honor of the god Osiris, the kings (pharaohs) of Egypt carry a crook and a flail, the signs of Osiris. The crook especially became the sign of rulers. The crook looked a great deal like a snake and was made out of wood. They used wood because wood was scarce. That made it even more special.
From then on, and even today, once each year Isis travels to the riverbank. Remembering, and dreaming, tears fall from her eyes. That is why the Nile River rises each year, to bring life to everyone and everything along the Nile. When Isis cries, the Nile will rise! And that is a very important thing.

1. What makes the legend of Osiris and Isis a creation story?
2. According to legend, why does the Nile rise?
3. Why did Pharaohs in ancient Egypt carry the crook and the flail?

Comparison of adjectives in English

Grammatical constructions used for comparing adjectives

There are three forms of comparison:
  • positive
  • comparative
  • superlative

1. Comparison with -er/-est

clean → cleaner → (the) cleanest
We use -er/-est with the following adjectives:

1.1. Adjectives with one syllable

positive comparative superlative
clean cleaner cleanest
new newer newest
cheap cheaper cheapest

1.2. Adjectives with two syllables and the following endings:

1.2.1. Adjectives with two syllables, ending in -y

positive comparative superlative
dirty dirtier dirtiest
easy easier easiest
happy happier happiest
pretty prettier prettiest

1.2.2. Adjectives with two syllables, ending in -er

positive comparative superlative
clever cleverer cleverest

1.2.3. Adjectives with two syllables, ending in -le

positive comparative superlative
simple simpler simplest

1.2.4. Adjectives with two syllables, ending in -ow

positive comparative superlative
narrow narrower narrowest

1.3. Spelling of the adjectives using the endings -er/-est

positive comparative superlative comment
large larger largest leave out the silent -e
big bigger biggest Double the consonant after short vowel
sad sadder saddest
dirty dirtier dirtiest Change -y to -i (consonant before -y)
shy shyer shyest Here -y is not changed to -i.
(although consonant before -y)

2. Comparison with more – most

all adjectives with more than one syllable (except some adjectives with two syllables – see 2.1. to 2.4.)
positive comparative superlative
difficult more difficult (the) most difficult

3. Irregular adjectives

positive comparative superlative comment
good better best
bad worse worst
much more most uncountable nouns
many more most countable nouns
little less least
little smaller smallest

4. Special adjectives

Some adjectives have two possible forms of comparison (-er/est and more/most).
positive comparative superlative
clever cleverer / more clever cleverest / most clever
common commoner / more common commonest / most common
likely likelier / more likely likeliest / most likely
pleasant pleasanter / more pleasant pleasantest / most pleasant
polite politer / more polite politest / most polite
quiet quieter / more quiet quietest / most quiet
simple simpler / more simple simplest / most simple
stupid stupider / more stupid stupidest / most stupid
subtle subtler / more subtle subtlest / most subtle
sure surer / more sure surest / most sure

5. Difference in meaning with adjectives

positive comparative superlative comment
far farther farthest distance
further furthest distance or
late later latest
latter x
x last
old older oldest people and things
elder eldest people (family)
near nearer nearest distance
x next order

For example:-bigger vs smaller

Egyptian creation

Resultado de imagen de egypt creation


Ancient Egypt for Kids - Cartouche Illustration


Resultado de imagen de cartoucheegypt
A cartouche is a name plate. It's usually oval with your name written in the middle of it. A cartouche is attached to your coffin.
The ancient Egyptians wanted to make sure that their two souls - the Ba and the Ka - could find their way back to their tomb at night, after they died. No one wanted their Ba or Ka to get lost.
A cartouche made it very easy for a Ba and Ka to find their way home.

Click Here

Ancient Egypt for Kids - Hieroglyphics & the Rosetta Stone Illustration


In the beginning, in ancient Egypt, over 5000 years ago, scribes wrote things down using pictures. That was a scribe's job, to write things down. Scribes used a system of pictures to do so. These pictures were called hieroglyphics. It was beautiful art. Each symbol had a meaning. But it took time to write things down using hieroglyphics. The scribes needed a faster way to write, because the ancient Egyptians loved to write things down. The scribes created a new written language called Demotic script.
Many years later, when archaeologists discovered hieroglyphic writing on the walls of tombs, they could not read it. They knew the pictures had meaning. But the best they could do was to guess what those pictures meant.
One day, about 200 years ago, someone found a stone in ancient Egypt, a very old stone. There was some writing on the stone. It was a very short story. The same story was written in Greek, in Demotic script, and again in hieroglyphics. Scientists could read Greek. They could even read Demotic script. Thanks to the brilliant Jean-Francois Champollion, they could now read hieroglyphics! Champollion was so good at ancient languages that he was on the staff of Grenoble University when he was only nineteen years old! His job was made a little easier because the ancient Egyptians surrounded royal names with an oval call a cartouche. There were many royal names surrounded by a cartouche. But there were two names in Greek - Ptolemy and Cleopatra. Champollion's job was to find those two names in the hieroglyphics. He did!
This stone was named the Rosetta Stone. The Rosetta Stone is currently on display at the British Museum in London, England.

Click the image:


Sequence Chain: Mummification Illustration


Ceremony: Ceremony by 4 priests, one dressed as Anubis. The inner organs were removed and put in Canopic jars.
Natron: Linen cloth and natron were used as packing to replace the organs.
40 Days: The body was covered with natron and placed on a tilted slab. The natron remained on and in the body for at least 40 days to dry the body of fluids.
Makeup: Packing removed, incisions sewn, body rubbed with oils and resins, nostrils stuffed with wax, pads under eyes. Make up applied. First strips of linen wound around the body.
Decorate: Jewelry was used to decorate the body. Good luck charms, like ankhs, were tucked in the 20 layers. The ankh was the symbol for "life".
Mask: Face was covered with a mask so that the Ba and Ka could recognize the body. The mask was colored and was as lifelike as possible.
Then the Mummy was placed in a coffin or a series of coffins.
There was a procession by family and friends to the final resting place.
Mourners wailed an priests prayed at the tomb door.
The tomb door was locked and sealed.
The gods performed the weighing of the heart ceremony (hidden from human sight).
If the deceased (the mummy's) heart was light, and passed the test, he or she then boarded Ra's heavenly boat and sailed away to join Osiris in the shining land of Two Fields for eternity.

Mummies & the Afterlife

Ancient Egyptians believed in an afterlife, a real and beautiful place, where they played and lived after they died. To enjoy your afterlife, you couldn't just die. You had to prepare. To achieve immortality, you had to satisfy some requirements.
(1) Your name had to be written down. You had to have your name written down somewhere, the more places the better. If it was not written down, you disappeared.
(2) You had to pass the Weighing of the Heart. You had to pass the weighing of the heart test in the Hall of Maat. Your heart was weighed against the weigh of a magic feather. If your heart was light, because you had lived a good, hard working, caring life, the scale would balance, and you would go to heaven. If it did not, well, that was another story.
(3) You had to have a preserved body. Another thing you needed to move on to the afterlife was a preserved body. One way to preserve the body of a person who had died was to dry them out and wrap them up with linen bandages. That process was called mummification.
You needed a preserved body so that your Ba and Ka, the two pieces of your soul, could find their way home at night back to your tomb. Without a body, the Ba and Ka would get lost. And they would no longer be able to reach the heavenly Land of Two Fields.
The poor placed the bodies of their dead relatives out in the desert sand. The bodies dried naturally in the sun. That was a perfectly good system. It assured the dead a place in the afterlife (provided their heart was light from doing lots of good deeds while they were alive, and their name was written down somewhere.) If they had a light heart, they would pass through the field of reeds and reach their afterlife. (The field of reeds is what the ancient Egyptians called death.)
The rich could afford to be more fussy. They hired professional mummy makers, to help them look their very best.
Click the image:


Canopic Jars

Ancient Egypt for Kids - Canopic Jars Illustration

After you died, your body was preserved in a special way. Preserving your body was an important job in ancient Egypt. Part of the process was to remove your internal organs. Your organs were carefully stored in Canopic jars.
There were four jars. Each jar represented one of the four sons of the Egyptian god Horus, so that they could watch over you.
This was one more step in the path to your afterlife.

Ancient Egypt for Kids - The Afterlife Illustration

The Afterlife

To the ancient Egyptians, the Land of Two Fields was a real place. It was a heavenly place. It was the place you went after you died. One of the reasons the god Osiris was so honored in ancient Egypt is because it was Osiris who opened the door to the afterlife for everyone.
It took more than dying to enter the Land of Two Fields. You had to earn your way into your afterlife by doing good deeds while you were alive. The more good deeds you did, the lighter your heart became. If your heart was not light, you could not board Ra's board and sail away into your Afterlife. To avoid any chance of trickery, the goddess Maat weighed your heart after you died. If your heart was not light enough, you were stuck in your tomb forever. But once you were in, you were in. You only had to sail away in Ra's boat once. After that, you had a free pass, and your soul could come and go. There was not a lot of crime in ancient Egypt. Everyone wanted their heart to be light.
There were two other requirements you had to satisfy before you could enter the Land of Two Fields. Not only did your heart have to be light, you also had to have your name written down somewhere, and you had to have a preserved body. That's because the ancient Egyptians believed in a soul. They believed your soul split into two parts after you died. One part, the Ba, flew off every morning to keep watch over your living family. The other part, the Ka, flew off every morning to the Land of Two Fields, to enjoy your Afterlife. Both the Ba and the Ka returned each night to your tomb, so you could get some sleep. In the morning, the cycle started again.
If something happened to your preserved body, or if your name was not written down somewhere, the Ba and Ka would get lost on their way home. You would disappear. You would never again be able to watch over your family, or be able to enjoy your afterlife.


Ancient Egypt for Kids - Pyramids Illustration

Ancient Egypt for Kids

In ancient Egypt, pyramids were built during the time of the Old Kingdom. Pyramids were tombs, royal tombs, where the ancient Egyptians buried their kings. The first pyramid was the Step Pyramid. It was built about 5,000 years ago! You could see it for miles!
Beautifully Decorated: Most pyramids were huge. They had rooms inside like store rooms, bedrooms, and even inside courtyards. Pyramids took many years to build. The inside walls of the pyramids were beautifully decorated.
False Doors: As well as messages and prayers and stories painted on the inside walls in hieroglyphics, the walls were also painted with fake doors. These were not painted to trick anyone into walking into a solid wall. Painted false doors were considered the connectors between the living and the dead.
Pyramid Cities: Cities grew up around the base of a pyramid that was under construction. These cities were called pyramid cities. Pharaoh provided food, shelter, and clothing for the workers and their families. This is how the workers were paid.
After the pyramid was built, the pyramid city continued to flourish. The workers might be gone, but in their place were guards. A pyramid had to be guarded. Pharaohs, like all ancient Egyptians, were buried with grave goods so they could enjoy their afterlife. A pharaoh's grave goods were made of gold and encrusted with jewels. Since pyramids were huge, there was no hiding them. Everybody knew that a pyramid held great wealth. This tempted many robbers. So the expense of a pyramid was not only in construction costs, it continued after the pyramid was built.
Tomb Robbing: To discourage theft, the punishment for robbing a tomb was severe. Traps and secret passages were built inside a pyramid to catch robbers. The pyramid was guarded. Just the same, robbers could not seem to resist the lure of the great wealth inside. Many tombs were successfully robbed.
After the time of the Old Kingdom, pyramids fell out of style. They cost a lot of time and money, and made it far too easy for robbers to know exactly where great wealth was buried.


After the time of the Old Kingdom, pyramids fell out of style. Pyramids cost a lot of time and money to build. They were also very easy for robbers to spot. So the ancient Egyptians began burying their dead in tombs.

Tombs and Mummies: The lids of the Canopic jars were known as the four sons of Horus. ... Now, lets talk about 'Egyptian Mummies'... The mummies were wrapped in linen (a special ..



Ordinal Numbers

Para decir las fechas en inglés, necesitamos conocer los números ordinales. Aquí os adjunto un pequeño resumen que puede resultar útil.

                   Table of Ordinal Numbers
Ordinal Numbers from 1 through 90



Se añade -th   a los números cardinales
§  four - fourth
     eleven - eleventh
§  one - first
§  two - second
§  three - third
§  five - fifth
§  eight - eighth
§  nine – ninth
§  .twelve - twelfth