The Gold Rush Illustration

US Gold Rush

James Marshall discovered gold on January 24, 1848, at Sutter's Mill, beginning the California Gold Rush. The New Jersey carpenter was working at John Sutter's Sacramento River settlement when he found the nugget. The discovery lured more than 90,000 people to California in the two years following his find and more than 300,000 people by 1854. James Marshall died penniless in 1885.

The Task

Travel back in time to San Francisco in the 1840's. You will take part in a meeting of one of the Six Companies that serves the needs of Chinese immigrants to California. In China, California was known as Gold Mountain. Each of you will be given a worker "residence certificate" required by the U S government which you must keep with you at all times. Your current job will be listed on the certificate. You will need to research the nature of your job, and report to the company. New Chinese workers are arriving in San Francisco, and you have some American job experience to share with them. You may also want to explore better job opportunities and make decisions about your future. Other immigrants will listen to your report and make career and living choices based on what you say.

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