Leap Year Quiz

Leap year
Today, February 29th, is Leap Day. To mark the event, here's a quiz I created for my EM Normandie students. See how well you do!

Video: What Is a Leap Year?

You probably know that 2016 is a leap year. And that means that this year we get an extra day on February 29th. Great--an extra day. Who really cares? Well, leaplings (people born on Leap Day of a previous year) care, because they finally get to celebrate their actual birthday. But for the rest of us, it's just a day like any other day. So why do we go to all the trouble to have a leap year? In this video, Epipheo shows you how, based on astronomy, the Gregorian Calendar uses leap years to keep us in tune with the sun, the stars, and the universe.
The name "leap year" comes from the fact that while a fixed date in the Gregorian calendar normally advances one day of the week from one year to the next, the day of the week in a leap year will advance two days (from March onwards) due to the extra day added at the end of February (thus "leaping over" one of the days in the week). For example, Christmas Day fell on Tuesday in 2001, Wednesday in 2002, and Thursday in 2003 but then "leapt" over Friday to fall on a Saturday in 2004. [Wikipedia]

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