1ºESO, clase jueves 4 de junio

  KEY: extension 

(page 1)
3.    1.  liked                 2.  didn’t see         3.  didn’t sell          4.  sent                  5.  made
(page 2)
4.    1.  When did Elizabeth begin working?
       2.  What did Elizabeth do in Mr Burwell’s house?
       3.  Why did Mr Burwell hit Elizabeth?
       4.  What did Mr Burwell’s son sell?
       5.  Who gave Elizabeth money?
5.    1.  Elizabeth began working at age four.
       2.  She helped with his baby.
       3.  Because the baby fell from her bed and Mr Burwell was angry.
       4.  He sold clothes.
       5.  Elizabeth’s master gave her money.
6.    Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

Podcast about Burgers all around the USA by Kelli and Chris, our American teachers. 

Podcast : HERE

1) Listen to the first five minutes and complete these sentences

1. The impossible burger is a …………………………. burger
2. Chris thinks vegetarian burgers depend on their …………………………, but a perfect meat burger only needs ……………………………, cheese and …………………………….
3. Chris inherited his love for hamburgers from his ………………………..
4. At university, the first time Chris cooked a hamburger. It was ………………………….

2) Listen to the next five minutes (5’ to 10’) and decide if the sentences are true or false.

1. Chris likes lots of different toppings on his hamburgers
2. The steamed cheeseburger or steam ham comes from Connecticut.
3. This burger is one of the most beautiful burgers in America.
4. Kelli and Chris love the Wisconsin burger.
5. Chris thinks boiling hot dogs is super freaky.
6. Kelli and Chris do not like boiled onions.
3) Optional activity. Listen to the rest of the podcast and choose a burger you would like to try, give reasons.

If you need the transcriptions you can download HERE

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