2º ESO, clase martes 31, exercises

make exercises on page 98, nº 1, 3 ,5 ,6 and 7

1.- listen and repeat exercise:

 click HERE

 listening: exercises,5, 6 and 7

click HERE

2º ESO,clase martes31 UNIT 8




Son palabras en Inglés como "the, a, my, either, some, this, every, enough, several, his..." que vienen al principio de las oraciones sustantivas. No son adjetivos. the godfather / this webpage / enough coffee / some beer / my wife every day / several weeks later Hay dos distinctos grupos de determiners: 1. Para identificar cosas. Decimos si es conocido o desconocido; de qué cosa se refiere, si estamos hablando de algo específico o en general etc. - Los artículos: a / an / the - Los posesivos: my / your / his / her / its / our / your / their / one’s / whose - Los demostrativos: this / these / that / those Las palabras de este grupo no van juntas. The my car. / This his wife. 2. La mayoría de este grupo son ‘quantifiers’ (cuantificadores). Indican cuanto de algo estamos hablando. some / any / no each / every / either / neither much / many / more / most / a little / less / fewer / a few / enough / several all / both / half one / two / three... etc. what / whatever / which / whichever Palabras de este grupo sí pueden ir juntas en ocasiones. All three cars are mine. Is there any more beer? I go to France every two weeks. Mine coins - make money: http://bit.ly/money_crypto

Mine coins - make money: http://bit.ly/money_crypto
Son palabras en Inglés como "the, a, my, either, some, this, every, enough, several, his..." que vienen al principio de las oraciones sustantivas. No son adjetivos. the godfather / this webpage / enough coffee / some beer / my wife every day / several weeks later Hay dos distinctos grupos de determiners: 1. Para identificar cosas. Decimos si es conocido o desconocido; de qué cosa se refiere, si estamos hablando de algo específico o en general etc. - Los artículos: a / an / the - Los posesivos: my / your / his / her / its / our / your / their / one’s / whose - Los demostrativos: this / these / that / those Las palabras de este grupo no van juntas. The my car. / This his wife. 2. La mayoría de este grupo son ‘quantifiers’ (cuantificadores). Indican cuanto de algo estamos hablando. some / any / no each / every / either / neither much / many / more / most / a little / less / fewer / a few / enough / several all / both / half one / two / three... etc. what / whatever / which / whichever Palabras de este grupo sí pueden ir juntas en ocasiones. All three cars are mine. Is there any more beer? I go to France every two weeks. Mine coins - make money: http://bit.ly/money_crypto

Mine coins - make money: http://bit.ly/money_crypto
Son palabras en Inglés como "the, a, my, either, some, this, every, enough, several, his..." que vienen al principio de las oraciones sustantivas. No son adjetivos. the godfather / this webpage / enough coffee / some beer / my wife every day / several weeks later Hay dos distinctos grupos de determiners: 1. Para identificar cosas. Decimos si es conocido o desconocido; de qué cosa se refiere, si estamos hablando de algo específico o en general etc. - Los artículos: a / an / the - Los posesivos: my / your / his / her / its / our / your / their / one’s / whose - Los demostrativos: this / these / that / those Las palabras de este grupo no van juntas. The my car. / This his wife. 2. La mayoría de este grupo son ‘quantifiers’ (cuantificadores). Indican cuanto de algo estamos hablando. some / any / no each / every / either / neither much / many / more / most / a little / less / fewer / a few / enough / several all / both / half one / two / three... etc. what / whatever / which / whichever Palabras de este grupo sí pueden ir juntas en ocasiones. All three cars are mine. Is there any more beer? I go to France every two weeks. Mine coins - make money: http://bit.ly/money_crypto

Mine coins - make money: http://bit.ly/money_crypto
Son palabras en Inglés como "the, a, my, either, some, this, every, enough, several, his..." que vienen al principio de las oraciones sustantivas. No son adjetivos.
the godfather / this webpage / enough coffee / some beer / my wife
every day / several weeks later
Hay dos distinctos grupos de determiners:

1. Para identificar cosas. Decimos si es conocido o desconocido; de qué cosa se refiere, si estamos hablando de algo específico o en general etc.

- Los artículos: a / an / the
- Los posesivos: my / your / his / her / its / our / your / their / one’s / whose
- Los demostrativos: this / these / that / those

Las palabras de este grupo no van juntas.

The my car. / This his wife.

2. La mayoría de este grupo son ‘quantifiers’ (cuantificadores).
Indican cuanto de algo estamos hablando.
some / any / no
each / every / either / neither
much / many / more / most / a little / less / fewer / a few / enough / several
all / both / half
one / two / three... etc.
what / whatever / which / whichever

Palabras de este grupo sí pueden ir juntas en ocasiones.
All three cars are mine.
Is there any more beer?
I go to France every two weeks.



1º ESO, martes 31. Key : workbook Check your progress


página 63

1.- kitchen / living room / bedroom / garden / bathroom

2- gorilla/ strawberry / eyebrows / sister / church / weightlifting / adventure / confident / get up / shy

3- were / wasn´t / weren´t / were / was

4- was there / there was / were there / there weren´t / there weren´t

5- 1b / 2c / 3c / 4a / 5b / 6b / 7b / 8a / 9b / 10 c

página 64

7-  in picture A / tehere were / there was A / in both pictures / in picture B

8.- but / because / and / because / but


2º ESO , clases semana del 30 de marzo al 3 de abril.

 Good morning, I leave here the planning for this week:

  Monday: Listening Musical Instruments+ Key Listening Easter
 Tuesday:  UNIT 8: grammar
           page 98: exercises and listening 

 Wednesday: key page 98
            exercises page 99. nº 9, 10 and 11
 Thursday: 2ºC: key Check your progress
           Key page 99
           exercises page 100: 2,3,4 and 6 

1º ESO Clases del 30 de marzo al 3 de abril

Parece que es mejor que os deje aquí lo que vamos a hacer durante la semana.

lunes : review

martes: - Check Your Progress
             - Estudiar los verbos irregulares

miércoles: Control de verbos  irregulares. haremos un TEST de verbos irregulares. Teneís que estudiar TODOS los verbos de la lista. NO TENDRÁ VALOR , solo será orientativo. Haremos un examen en cuanto volvamos a las clases presenciales.

jueves: UNIT 8 Then and Now, Grammar.

2º ESO clase lunes 30. Listening UNIT 8



Listen carefully and complete exercises on page 139, nº 1 and 2

click HERE to listen



1.This year we celebrate Easter on April 12

2.A moveable holiday is a holiday that does not happen on the same day every year 

3. In an Easter Hunt you hunt real or plastic eggs 

4.You can find candy, money, and small toysinside plastic eggs

5.There are two games that are races. They are the egg and spoon raceand the Bunny Hop 
 6.The Easter Egg Roll at the White House will be on April 13 this year

7.Mention two funny things or actions you see in the video at the White House.

                        a.All logical answers accepted

 8.People wear extra extravagant hats decorated for Easter at Easter Bonnet Parades in New York city

1º ESO, clase lunes 30, Review


REVIEW: Irregular verbs

Aquí tienes el enlace a la gramática de los verbos irregulares, haz clik :  HERE 

El próximo  miércoles tendrás un control sobre los verbos irregulares, estudialos!!!

Clases 1º y 2º ESO

Buenas tardes, ahí teneís las respuestas a los Test.

Guardar el folio con el ejercício y la nota. Me lo entregareís el primer día de clase presencial que tengamos, que a este paso no sé cuándo será. Esperemos que pronto.

Ya veís que estamos finalizando el tema 7, con algún curso queda alguna cosita por ahí.....

La semana que viene empezaremos el 8. Estoy terminando de escribir la Gramática y algún vídeo para facilitaros la explicación.

Menos mal que los contenidos del Tema 8 ya están vistos, son de repaso.

en 1º ESO: continuaremos con el Pasado, Simple Past. Y seguir estudiando la lista de verbos irregulares.
en 2º ESO: tenemos los quantifiers y there is-are. 

Ya veís , nada difícil, así que no os agobiéis.

salud y fuerza a todos


2º ESO.clase, jueves 26. KEY vocabulary test UNIT 7

Cuenta los aciertos como hacemos en clase. El primer día de clase deberás entregarme este ejercicio con su nota, tanquilo, solo será informativa.


  1. botón                            button
  2. refugio                          shelter
  3. araña                            spider
  4. impresora                      printer
  5. gusano                         worm
  6. meteorito                     meteor
  7. tamaño                        size
  8. mentiras                      lies
  9. cabra                           goat
  10. cangrejo                      crab
  11. reptiles                       reptiles
  12. loco                            crazy
  13. suelo                           ground
  14. titular                          headline
  15. cachorro                     puppy
  16. fuerte, alto                  loud
  17. en vías de extinción   endangered
  18. pariente                      realtive
  19. reserva natural            nature reserve
  20. portatil (ordenador)    laptop
  21. teclado                        keyboard
  22. muestra                       sample
  23. vivo                             alive
  24. agujero                        hole
  25. anuncio                       advert
  26. ratón                            mouse
  27. extranjero                   foreign
  28. valor                           worth
  29. ensayo                         essay
  30. pantalla ( ordenador)  monitor
  31. remar                         row
  32. entrenar                      train
  33. alimentar                     feed
  34. aterrizar                      land
  35. salvar                          save
  36. mantener                    hold
  37. nadar                          swim
  38. cavar                          dig
  39. explorar                     explore
  40. empujar                     push
  41. botar                          bounce
  42. tocar                          touch
  43. bucear                       dive
  44. sobrevivir                  survive
  45. coger                         catch
  46. estrellar                     crash
  47. hacer paracaidismo   parachute
  48. ordeñar                      milk
  49. ser voluntario            volunteer
  50. usar                           use

1º ESO, jueves 26. KEY: test 7


1-robo                   burglary

2- fregadero          sink

3-revista                magazine

4-apartamento       flat

5- paredes             walls

6-desorden           mess

7- pero                 but

8- frigorífico       fridge

9-almohada        pillows

10- cortinas       curtains

11-sillón            armchair

12- salón           living room

13- ropas           clothes

14- cejas            eyebrows

15- tímido         shy

16- gérmenes     germs

17- sucio            dirty

18- ascensor        lift

19- pupitre           desk

20- estanterias     shelves

21- escaleras       stairs

22- reforma        makeover

23- horno           oven

24- espejo         mirror

25- regalo         gift

26-castillo        castles

27- alfombra    carpet

28-yinkana        scavenger hunt

29- reinas          queens

30-levantarse    get up

31- vivir           live

32-dar               give

33- querer         want

34- ayudar       help

35-deber         must

36- limpiar     clean

37- arreglar     tidy

38-describir      describe

39- cambiar     change

40- quedarse    stay

41- encontrar   find

42-proteger     protect

43-elegir         choose

44-organizar    organise

45-poder         can

46- ganar        win

47-recibir       receive

48- adivinar   guess

49- tener        have got

50- haber       there was/were

2º ESO,clase jueves 26, TEST: vocabulary Unit 7

Buenos días, copia las siguientes palabras en una archivo Word y sin consultar el libro intenta hacerlo. Ya sabes cómo se hace, igual que en clase. Se honesto, no te engañes.
Te daré las soluciones esta tarde a partir de las 18h


  1. botón
  2. refugio
  3. araña
  4. impresora
  5. gusano
  6. meteorito
  7. tamaño
  8. mentiras
  9. cabra
  10. cangrejo
  11. reptiles
  12. loco
  13. suelo
  14. titular
  15. cachorro
  16. fuerte, alto
  17. en vías de extinción
  18. pariente
  19. reserva natural
  20. portatil (ordenador)
  21. teclado
  22. muestra
  23. vivo
  24. agujero
  25. anuncio
  26. ratón
  27. extranjero
  28. valor
  29. ensayo
  30. pantalla ( ordenador)
  31. remar
  32. entrenar
  33. alimentar
  34. aterrizar
  35. salvar
  36. mantener
  37. nadar
  38. cavar
  39. explorar
  40. empujar
  41. botar
  42. tocar
  43. bucear
  44. sobrevivir
  45. coger
  46. estrellar
  47. hacer paracaidismo
  48. ordeñar
  49. ser voluntario
  50. usar

1º ESO, clase jueves 26. VOCABULARY


Copialas en un folio y lo haces. ESTA TARDE COLGARÉ LAS RESPUESTAS A PARTIR DE LAS 18H.

Procura no hacer trampas, solo te engañas a tí mismo.


2- fregadero


5- paredes
7- pero           

8- frigorífico      


10- cortinas   


12- salón          

13- ropas       

14- cejas          

15- tímido
16- gérmenes    

17- sucio 
18- ascensor
19- pupitre         

20- estanterias    

21- escaleras

22- reforma       

23- horno          

24- espejo
25- regalo
27- alfombra
29- reinas

31- vivir          


33- querer      

34- ayudar      


36- limpiar    

37- arreglar    


39- cambiar    

40- quedarse
41- encontrar





46- ganar       


48- adivinar


50- haber      

2º ESO C miércoles 25, workbook


page 60

1.- The heigh in metres that Lareece Butler fell from
2.- The age when she decides to take a skydiving course
3.- the date of her skydiving accident
4.- he was standing on the ground and watching her the whole time
5.- they arrives quickly and took Lareece to a hospital.

1.-because it was Lareece´s dream to go skydiving for a long time
2.-No. She jumped successfully several times before this
3.-Cannor answer...
4.-He was standing on the ground
5.- She has a broken leg and she hit her head
6.- Cannot answer

page 61

1.- hold/ bath/ catch/ train / milk

2.- volunteer/ train / touch / swim / feed / adopt

6.- Q: I´d love / that´s not my
      Q: it sounds/ I think
      Q: how crazy / I can´t believe

page 62

7.- b

Make Check your Progress now

2º ESO. clase miércoles 25. LISTENING

Listen The PODCAST

You can download the materials( podcast and exercise) if you prefer or read and make below ,click HERE

Podcast – Easter

Hi and welcome to your English podcast.
Today we’re going to explore some of the ways Easter is celebrated across the United States.  You’ll find some links to the things we talk about here in the documents provided with the podcast. 
Let’s start off with just a little description of what and when Easter is.  Easter is a religious holiday used to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ three days after his crucifixion in around 30 A.D.  Easter is the final day in a long religious season called The Passion of Christ.  This season includes Lent and Holy Week. 
This year Easter will be celebrated on April 12.  However, Easter is considered a “moveable” feast or holiday, meaning it does not happen on the same day every year.  Easter Sunday usually falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon which occurs on or after the spring equinox.
One more thing before we jump into traditions in the US and Spain, where does the name Easter come from? Some historians think the name comes from Eostre or Eostrae, the name of the Anglo-Saxon goddess of spring and fertility. Others argue that it comes from in albis, a Latin word meaning dawn, which eventually became eostarum. 
So now that we have got a bit of history out of the way, let’s talk about traditions in the US.  
Something I think we all know is a big tradition is the Easter Egg Hunts.  It doesn’t really matter if you are religious or not, though this is obviously a religious holiday, everyone likes an Easter Egg Hunt.  You can do the hunt with real or plastic eggs.  There are different benefits to each.  If you use real eggs, you can hard boil them, then decorate them, and at the end of the hunt you have a healthy snack.  On the other hand, you can use plastic eggs and fill them with different surprises.  Typical things that are found inside plastic eggs include candy, money, and small toys. 
Hunting eggs isn’t the only thing you can do at Easter though.  We also have games like the egg and spoon race, which is exactly what it sounds like.  Individuals carry eggs in spoons, trying not to drop the egg all while trying to win the race first.  Obviously, it’s less messy if you use a plastic egg filled with candy for this and not a real egg…
There’s also the Bunny Hop, another race, where people get into giant sacks and hop as fast as they can to the finish line. 
So Apart from the celebrations that happen across the country in people’s backyards, or in the park, or at the local church, there are also big events that happen on and around Easter.  For example, every year at the White House the President of the United States has an Easter Egg Roll.  The tradition started in 1878 and has continued on and off since then.  This year the event will be on April 13, 2020.  You can find …

On Easter people often go out to a restaurant for a family meal, or they go to church.  Many families prepare Easter baskets for their children.  In these baskets are pretty baskets, decorated with pastel colours and filled with candy, small toys, books, and anything else that can fit. 
One last tradition that is just a little bit weird is the Easter Bonnet tradition.  The word bonnet means hat.  Every year in many cities across the US there are Easter Bonnet Parades where people wear extravagant hats decorated for Easter.  Some are beautiful, some are weird but they are all very creative.  I’ve included a link to a YouTube video where you can see pictures of the Easter bonnet parade in New York City. 

So Kelli … (Kelli talks about her traditions)
What about you?... (Chris talks about his traditions)

That’s all we have on Easter and I hope that you’ve learned something new today. 
Until next time! 
                                 by Kelli Seild and Christopher Teney

 Follow up:
·         Complete these sentences:
1.    This year we celebrate Easter on …………………………………………………………………….
2.    A moveable holiday is a holiday that ………………………………………………………………...
3.    In an Easter Hunt you hunt ……………………………………………..…………………………….
4.    You can find ……………………………………………………………………………… inside plastic eggs.
5.    There are two games that are races. They are ……………………….. and ………………………
6.    The Easter Egg Roll at the White House will be on …………………………….. this year.
7.    Mention two funny things or actions you see in the video at the White House.
8.    People wear …………………………….. at Easter Bonnet Parades in ………..……….. City.

Extra mark (optional):
9.    Mention one tradition that Kelli and Chris kept when they were children. It can be a different tradition for each one.


1º ESO, miércoles 25


KEY: página 55 y Correct it

2º ESO, clase martes 24. key: sentences

Repaso: Traducir

1.       Los antiguos egipcios a menudo llevaban ropas ligeras porque el tiempo era muy seco y  hacía mucho calor en el desierto. Les gustaban las joyas sencillas y bastante sosas. También se pintaban los ojos con colores brillantes para parecer más atractivos.
2.       La búsqueda de oro fue la razón por la que mucha gente de todo el mundo viajó a California en el siglo XIX. Cuando James Marshall encontró oro de 24 quilates, la Fiebre del Oro comenzó.
3.       La plata no es tan valiosa como el oro, es más barata. El oro es el metal más popular de la tierra, más blando que los diamantes y mejor que el bronce. Los aztecas lo llamaban las lágrimas del sol.
4.       El edificio más alto del mundo está en Asia y el animal más grande no es el elefante, es la ballena azul.
5.       Algunas joyas de la corona fueron regalos de otros reyes europeos. Ahora  puedes encontrarlas en la Torre de Londres y admirar piedras como zafiros, rubís o diamantes.
6.       El antiguo mercado parece muy ruidoso y demasiado abarrotado, pero me encanta ir de comprar allí. Es divertido, animado y muy colorido. Puedes comprar los artículos menos comunes, lo mejor y lo peor también. Estoy de acuerdo.
7.       Me gustan mucho las playas portuguesas. Son tranquilas, con arena y muy agradables. Algunas son rocosas con un bosque sombreado al lado, donde puedes hacer un picnic.
8.       Perdone, ¿dónde puedo comprar un collar y unos pendientes? En la joyería que está en la planta baja. Baje la escalera mecánica y está a su izquierda. ¿Y un electrodoméstico? En la tienda electrónica. ¿Cómo llego allí? Suba dos pisos. Es la última tienda a la derecha.

1-   Ancient Egyptians often wore light clothes because the weather was very dry and very hot in the desert
  The search for gold was the reason why many people around the world travelled to California in the XIX century. When James Marsahll found 24 carat gold, the Gold Rush began/started. 

Silver isn’t as valuable as gold, it’s cheaper. Gold is the most popular metal on Earth, softer than diamonds and better than bronze. Aztecs called it the tears of the sun
 The tallest/highest building in the world is in Asia and the largest animal is not the elephant,  it is the blue whale 
Some crown jewells were gifts/presents from other European kings. Now you can find them in the Tower of London and admire stones like/such as sapphires, rubies and diamonds

 The old market looks very noisy and too crowded, but I love to go/ going shopping there. It is fun, lively and very colourful. You can buy the most unusual items, the best and the worst too. I agree. 
7.-  I really like Portuguese beaches. They are peaceful, sandy and very pleasant. Some of them/some beaches are rocky with a shady forest nearby, where you can have a picnic.

 Excuse me, where can I buy a necklace and a pair of earrings / some earrings? In the jewellery shop that is on the ground floor. Go down the scalator and it is on your left.  And a household appliance? At the electronics’ shop. How do I get there? Go up two floors. It is the last shop on the right.