1º ESO, clase 20 de abril.


page 100
Past Simple – Regular Verbs

3. 1. The Vikings invaded England. – b
2. World War II started. – e
3. Columbus and his sailors arrived in America. – c
4. Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin. – d
5. An astronaut walked on the moon. – a

5. 1. travelled 4. hated
2. collected 5. smelled
3. carried 6. smokedt

7. 1. Edmund Hillary climbed Mount Everest in 1953.
2. John Lennon played in the Beatles in the 1960s.
3. Mozart lived in Vienna in the 18th century.
4. The Chinese invented paper in 105.
5. William Roentgen discovered X-rays in 1895.

101.- 8,9,10,12 and 13

 page 101
8. Possible Answers
1. Students didn’t use notebooks in Victorian England.
2. Students didn’t watch TV in Victorian England.
3. Students didn’t talk on mobile phones in Victorian
4. Students didn’t play computer games in Victorian
5. Students didn’t study robotics in Victorian England.
6. Students didn’t listen to MP3 players / iPods in
Victorian England.

9. 1. Did Victorian children study sport? Yes, they did.
2. Did John Lennon live in the USA? Yes, he did.
3. Did World War I start in the 19th century? No, it
4. Did gong farmers work at night? Yes, they did.
5. Did the Chinese invent the first car? No, they didn’t.

10. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

12. 1. did … live 7. cleaned
2. Did … enjoy 8. worked
3. didn’t stay 9. pushed
4. lived 10. opened
5. didn’t study 11. tried
6. worked 12. changed

13. 1. Did all poor children live with their parents?
No, they didn’t.
2. Did they study in schools?
No, they didn’t.
3. What did some children clean?
They cleaned the streets.
4. What did children push in coal mines?
They pushed carts of coal.
5. Did the government try to help them?
Yes, it did.
6. Why did young children stop working in coal mines?
Because the government changed the laws.


page 102 : 1, 2 and 3 + Listening : 5, 6 and 7

Listening: click HERE to listen

Then and Now

Web Activity:

Who is the prodigy? Go to:

Complete the chart below.

Something special about the prodigy
Jay Luo
graduated from ………………………………………
when he was………… years old.
acting / directing
received a special Academy Award 
when she was
…………………… years old.
Alexandra Nechita
had her own exhibition when she was
…………………… years old.
Jeremy Bentham
law / philosophy
…… when he was three years old.
was an Olympic gold medallis
 at 13 years old.

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