2º ESO-C, WORKBOOK, clase jueves 14 de mayo

KEY: pages 76, 77 and 78

page 76)
1. 1. tail 4. getting married
2. a mirror 5. in a town
3. into the sea 6. onto the land

2. 1. Everyone on the ship will die and the mermaid will take their bodies into the sea.
2. She was confused.
3. They carried her onto the land, washed her and gave her clothes.
4. sea cows
 (page 77)
1. 1. angry 4. bored
2. thrilled 5. surprised
3. frightened 6. embarrassed

2. 1. upset 4. excited
2. worried 5. confused
3. proud

3. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

6. 1. I was next to the supermarket
2. Why did you go there
3. Were you alone
4. So, what happened
5. I was very embarrassed

(page 78)

7. 1. The students visited a museum on Monday.
2. What are you doing next week?
3. First, Jane got up and had breakfast. Then, she went to school.
4. We couldn’t swim because the water was very cold.
5. The lions were sleeping quietly under a shady tree.

8. The bolded words, letters and punctuation below should
be circled.
friend Colin and I have dreamed for years about winning money in the lottery. On 3rd October we bought a lottery ticket and we won a lot of money! We were thrilled! We have already decided what to do with the money. First, we’re going to put some of the money in the bank. Then, we’re going to have a big party for our friends. Next, we’re going to buy things for our rooms. Colin will probably buy
a computer and a TV and I’m going to get some new furniture for my room. We also want to buy something for our families. I’m going to buy my mum a new fridge and Colin is going to buy his dad a new car. Finally, we’re going to go on an exciting holiday around Europe with
our families.

9. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

10. Accept all logical and grammatically correct answers.

Workbook: pages 79 and 80

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